International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems 2015 – 2019
Springorum Commemorative Coin
RWTH Aachen 2015
Graduation as top 10% of the best students
Dean's List (Management, Business and Economics)
RWTH Aachen 2015
Top 5% of the best students
Dean's List (Physics)
RWTH Aachen 2015
Top 5% of the best students
Bildungsfond 2015
Sponsor: GE Germany
Erasmus Scholarship
Erasmus scholarship for studies at KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Blockchain Researcher
I am a scientist by training with an insatiable curiosity. The potential for decentralized currencies to revolutionize the monetary system has made me a cryptocurrency enthusiast. I have been programming applications for Bitcoin and Ethereum since 2016 and founded my own startup in the field. My background: physicist, economist and entrepreneur.
Donex GmbH
01/2019 - Present
Business mission: Development and distribution of software products and licensing of their use to third parties as well as consulting services for blockchain applications.
Key Activities:
Development of novel concepts for off-chain transactions on the Bitcoin Lightning Network for trading, auctions and payment routing
Implementation of a decentralized trading platform on Ethereum blockchain for a peer-to-peer exchange of financial contracts
Smart-Contract programming workshop for a virtual continuing education course in business informatics (2022)
Web3 website programming, market research and web3-based online marketing
Consultancy for a blockchain business in the field of FTs and NFTs (2021 & 2022)
Expertise in Bitcoin & Ethereum blockchain backend and environment
Participation at Blockchain Autumn School 2017, Mittweida (Germany), Future Blockchain Hackathon at Deutsche Telekom, Bonn (Germany) in 2017, and active member in the Bitcoin and Ethereum community
Business Developer
phyphox - a non-profit venture of 2nd Institute of Physics A at RWTH Aachen University
04/2020 - 10/2021
The phyphox app transforms smartphones into mobile and powerful laboratories for science experiments. It has been downloaded more than 3 million times and is used by students and teachers in schools and universities around the globe. As phyphox has become a large-scale project with contributors from all over the world, I have developed sustainable strategies for the long-term success of the project.
Research Associate
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Halle (Saale), Germany
10/2015 - 04/2020
Key Achievements:
Experimental and theoretical research in the field of spintronics and magnetism in a multicultural research team
10+ publications and conference contributions in high-impact journals (Nature Communications, Proceedings of the IEEE, etc.) and international conferences (American Physical Society March Meeting 2020, JEMS 2018, etc.)
International research projects and industrial research cooperations (Samsung in South Korea, IBM in USA, among others)
Mentorship for students and interns at the institute
Research Associate
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, USA
11/2013 - 05/2014
Key Activities:
Physics master thesis project in international research group with world’s leading experts for storage technology
Material research, characterization and analysis for development of novel magnetic memory device
Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in Physics
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
10/2015 - 12/2019
Experimental and theoretical study on a novel physical memory device "Racetrack Memory" at the Max Planck Institut of Microstructure Physics (Prof. Dr. S. S. P. Parkin). PhD thesis: "Highly efficient domain wall motion in ferrimagnetic bi-layer system at angular momentum compensation temperature"
Master of Science in Management, Business and Economics
RWTH Aachen University
04/2013 - 09/2015
Specialisation: Operations Research and Risk Management. Master’s thesis: "Solvency-II-Standardformel und Insolvenzrisiken von
Versicherungsunternehmen - Eine kritische Analyse"
Master of Science in Physics
RWTH Aachen University
04/2013 - 11/2014
Specialisation: Nanoelectronics. Master’s thesis: "Effect of novel exchange- coupling torque and spin-orbit interaction on current-induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires". Graduation with excellent
Bachelor of Science in Physics
RWTH Aachen University
10/2009 - 03/2013
Specialisation: Condensed Matter Physics. Bachelor’s thesis: "Drift und Diffusion optisch angeregter Spins in elektrischen Feldern in n-GaAs"
Major Publications
R. Bläsing, et al.
Magnetic racetrack memory: From physics to the cusp of applications within a decade.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(8), 1303-1321
R. Bläsing
Highly efficient domain wall motion in ferrimagnetic Bi-layer systems at the angular momentum compensation temperature